a message from our lead pastors
We’re so excited to welcome you here! It’s an incredible honour to serve this church and everyone who walks through our doors each week. Our sincere prayer is that every person who steps foot into our community would experience the life-changing power found in the presence of Jesus. We know God loves you deeply and created you on purpose for a purpose, and we’re passionate about seeing people, like you, realise this truth.
Lead Pastors

James & Stephanie BarresI
Executive Pastors

Harry & Brittany Watson
Worship Coordinators

Daniel & Joanne Tata
Kids Coordinators
love God. love people. make disciples.
our pathway
As we read scripture it’s clear that God’s desire is for deep communion that leads to partnering with Him in His will. Jesus modelled this life perfectly and now invites us to become His apprentices – otherwise known as Disciples. And so, Our Pathway to discipleship is defined simply in three terms – Be, Become, Do.
Be with Jesus, Become like Jesus, and Do what Jesus did.
our culture
We want to choose to live by the design that God has given us, rather than the default pattern of the world around us. These are the Values and the accompanying Creed we are committed to living by in order to become who God is calling us to be.

our journey
Here’s a snapshot of the yearly vision we have felt God impress on our house:
For the One
From the outset, God has been calling us to be a people who are captivated by His Son, Jesus. In all things, we want to maintain a heart-cry of adoration that keeps Jesus at the centre of everything we do.
He will Build
With his feet planted on a mount that was the known capital of darkness, Jesus declared that He would build His Church. In a year that felt shrouded in darkness for our city and for the world, we sensed Jesus was again making a decree that He would build His Church – His Ekklesia. A people movement belonging to Jesus, called-out on God’s mission.
Becoming the church God has called us to be, means becoming the people God has created us to be. In 2022, we sensed God was calling us into deeper discipleship, marked by deeper transformation in our lives that, ultimately, leads to deeper communion with God. It was a call to press deep into Jesus’ words, and His ways and allow them to become the pattern of our lives.
Deeper, Again
As we entered into 2023, we sensed God’s heart was continuing to pine for even deeper communion with His people. We recognise God is asking us to cross over into an all-in life with Him. As we respond to God by giving ourselves over in obedience, we sense Him resting on us in a new way as He calls us to become a place, where it is known that “The Lord is there” Ezekiel 48:35
Follow The Cloud
2024 marks a year of journeying out and away - a year of going "yonder". A new season, camping in a new place. And just as the children of Israel were led by the cloud through the wilderness, so we sense God's call to trust Him and in humility follow after Him as He leads us into the fulfillment of His promises over our house and our city.
our beliefs
We believe the Bible is God’s infallible Word. It is completely accurate, completely authoritative, and completely relevant.
We believe in One eternal God Who is the Creator of all things, Who co-exists in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. He is perfectly holy and loving.
We believe through man’s wilful rejection of God, sin entered into the world and separated each of us from communion and partnership with God.
We believe Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. He was conceived miraculously through the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin – fully God and fully man. He lived a sinless life, was crucified, buried, resurrected, and ascended into heaven and is alive forevermore.
We believe Jesus was sent into this world as the only way by which humanity can be reconciled to God. For those who put their faith in Him, He has made atonement once and for all – giving them right standing before God.
We believe in order to receive forgiveness and the “new birth”, we must repent of our sins and place our faith in Jesus, confessing Him as Lord.
We believe our eternal destination of either eternal union with God in heaven or eternal separation from God in hell, is determined by our response to the Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe in complete justification by faith in Jesus Christ, whereby all who trust in Him are made holy, fully approved in the sight of God.
We believe in order to lead a fruitful life of following Jesus, we need to be united with Christ in water baptism and be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the power and significance of the Church and the necessity of believers to meet regularly together for fellowship, prayer and holy communion.
We believe both miracles and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are active and essential to revealing the nature of God to the world, and for the building up of the Church.
We believe the Lord Jesus Christ is returning, just as He promised. When He returns, He will judge both the living and the dead.

Peter & Sonia Thomas
International Presidents of
Freedom Ministries International
Freedom Ministries International
FMI is a ministry called to propel the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ into this world. We do this work through churches, bible colleges, schools, clinics and outreach to the needy.